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Sunday, April 17, 2011

LOVE/HATE: The ‘Gearhead’ Edition

I met a lot of guys for whom their wedding rings were the first piece of jewelry I ever really had. For most, the option that appealed was the least adorned, ie the plain gold ring or wedding gown or ring silver tungsten or stainless steel band. You get the picture. No diamonds. N engraving or luxury travel whatever. While there is nothing wrong with that - I myself wear a gold wedding ring normal these days - can be a bit meh. With this in mind, I present to you a wedding ring can play.

crown wedding groom

Like, for example, the crown of Kinekt. Designed by Ben Hopson and Glen Liberman, is made of brushed stainless steel, so hautement manly! And it has micro-precision gears turn in unison when the outer edges are rotated, so that gives the user something to see on buses and during boring phone calls while stuck in the waiting rooms . Of course, it could be just as fun in the bridesmaid dresses's right to women and men sizes of the rings are not like shoe sizes, ie, 5 is 5 and 12 is 12.

I love it. I would not use it, but I love it. I do not know what kind of care that is needed to keep it turning smoothly for a lifetime, but I still love evening dress. It's different and maybe a good option for reducing or individual gallon is not as thrilled with the idea of ​​something dripping in diamonds and polished to perfection. It might be getting a little dirty after a while, and could be good, too. What you say?




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